How to Protect Flex with SWF Encryption
As a web developer, you should be quite familiar with the Flash contents on websites out there. Flash has its unique advantage over other sort of medium like image or video that it can hold the animated interactive effects in such a small file size. To break through the limitation of HTML, JavaScript and DHTML, web developers find Adobe Flex a great help. Flex takes you to the next level of web application development with the concept of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). Just to be more specific, Flex is Adobe’s IDE to create Flash in a better way.
Due to the uncertainty of your published Flash SWF file on website, it is necessary to encrypt it before uploading, just to avoid those annoying Flash Decompilers. So to protect Flex with SWF encryption means protect your intelligent property online. Leawo Flex Protector is a professional SWF obfuscator to help you easily obfuscate source code to make it unreadable, and thus keep Flex safe.
Free download Leawo SWF Encrypt and install it on your computer, then follow the below steps to obfuscate your SWF files.
Full Guide
Step 1: Load SWF files.
There are two different ways to import SWF files to the program. Load irrelevant SWF files for common files and load relevant SWF files to ensure successful invocation of SWF files after encryption.
Step 2: Choose SWF flash encryption parameters.
Choose the SWF encryption settings for every sing SWF file or apply the same setting to all the imported SWF files.
Step 3: Specify an output location and start encryption.
Set output directory in Output frame to save encrypted SWF flash files. Click the right bottom Encrypt button to start to encrypt SWF flash files upon the encryption ways you choose.
1. Protected SWF files could not be encrypted again by this SWF Encrypt program.
2. The encrypted SWF files can be played normally with Adobe Flash Player.
3. Since the Flash SWF encryption is nonreversible, so do remember to back up the original SWF files.
Video GuideSoftware
Obfuscate your SWF files to make it difficult for others to decompile it
Platfrom: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP